Having an Assessor with experience in government and leadership helps us! Dedication to working for solutions collaboratively with each level of government is more than something he supports; it is his vocation.
“My commitment to the Assessor’s office does not stop at county lines. I am committed to a collaborative approach with all government leaders to find common sense solutions in a fiscally responsible manner to the challenges facing the residents of Larimer County.” Bob Overbeck, 2017
After the Cameron Peak fire, Bob submitted a report with a letter to U.S. Congressional Rep. Joe Neguse supporting the Bipartisan Wildfire Caucus in the 117th Congress, promoting science-based wildfire mitigation strategies, and investing more federal resources for local firefighting crews. Later, Assessor Overbeck and Congressman Joe Neguse presented best practices at the International Association of Assessors (IAAO) at the Summer Conference.
Assessors must manage and actively respond to emergency events caused by climate change when assessing property in their jurisdictions. FEMA deadlines are critical to homeowners and local jurisdictions when disaster strikes. Timeliness is essential in these situations, and staffing on-call work can be challenging. To prepare, Assessor Bob Overbeck outlined a unique intergovernmental agreement [IGA] formed in June 2020 between Larimer County and Arapahoe County Assessor’s Offices, designed to help each other in the event of a large fire or flood.
The IGA allows the two counties to share their resources and personnel performing damage assessments in a large fire or flood, ensuring each county has enough technically skilled personnel to conduct damage assessments and property valuations. Both counties work together to perform damage assessments faster and more accurately to meet the short FEMA deadlines. Click here to learn more about IGA between Larimer and Arapahoe Counties to work together.
Collaboration was no stranger to Bob when taking office. On the City Council, he was a member of the Colorado Municipal League (CML) Policy Committee, which supports cooperation among local, state, and federal officials to provide a strong partnership with Colorado’s cities and towns.
“I have worked with the Policy Committee of the CML on behalf of the City of fort collins. The Policy Committee is responsible for reviewing legislative proposals and recommending to the League Executive Board positions of support, opposition, no position, or amendment to various legislation affecting cities and towns.”